Autor podstrony: Krzysztof Zajączkowski

Stronę tą wyświetlono już: 645 razy

Chemical text komponent - wersja domyślna.

<obl-chemical-text text="Fiery the Angels rose, & as they rose deep thunder roll'd Around their shores: indignant burning with the fires of Orc And Bostons Angel cried aloud as they flew thro' the dark night."></obl-chemical-text>

Wersja z wypełnieniem:

<obl-chemical-text text="Fiery the Angels rose, & as they rose deep thunder roll'd Around their shores: indignant burning with the fires of Orc And Bostons Angel cried aloud as they flew thro' the dark night." type="background"></obl-chemical-text>

Zmiana rozmiaru czcionki:

<obl-chemical-text text="Fiery the Angels rose, & as they rose deep thunder roll'd Around their shores: indignant burning with the fires of Orc And Bostons Angel cried aloud as they flew thro' the dark night." font-size="30px"></obl-chemical-text> <obl-chemical-text text="Fiery the Angels rose, & as they rose deep thunder roll'd Around their shores: indignant burning with the fires of Orc And Bostons Angel cried aloud as they flew thro' the dark night." font-size="30px" type="background"></obl-chemical-text>
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